Cub Scouts: 8 - 10½ years
Longfield and Hartley Scouting Group has one Cub Pack called Jungle Pack which is open to boys and girls aged 8 to 10 ½ years, meeting on Tuesday evenings from 18.30 – 20.00 in term time. Our Headquarters is the Scout HQ found on Larkwell Lane, Hartley but we also use Manor Field, Hartley, for outdoor activities, as well as hiking around the local area.
Joining Cubs gives children lots of opportunities to learn new skills and experience new things as well as improving the knowledge they may already have and have fun while doing it.
Teamwork is a big part of everything we do, as the children are divided into teams called ‘sixes’ for most activities and everyone has the opportunity to earn points for their six but the message that we are all part of one big team is always there. Our volunteer leaders are always working hard to put on a fun and educational programme with the aim for our Cubs to have all had the opportunity to earn their Silver Chief Scout award by the time they are ready to move up to Scouts.
Some of our skills include but are not restricted to, campfire lighting/cooking, map reading, archery, air rifle shooting, First Aid, Health and fitness, shelter building and Communication. The opportunity for hiking and of course camping is also possible, as well as wider spread events within our District of Swanley and our County.
Please use the contact link if you wish to receive further information.