Beaver Scouts: 6 - 8 years
Longfield and Hartley Scouting Group has one Beaver Colony called Bertram Beavers which is open to boys and girls aged 6 to 8 years, meeting on Monday evenings from 17.00 - 18.15 in term time. Our usual meeting place is the Scout Hut on Larkwell Lane, Hartley. However, we meet quite frequently at Manor Field, Hartley, for outdoor activities, especially in the Summer months. Beavers is all about having fun and making friends. A key feature of our activities is trying new experiences, exploring our local community, finding ways to help other people, and enjoying the environment around us. Our meetings involve trying sports such as archery, playing games, going on hikes, building shelters, making crafts, and cooking. Beavers get the opportunity to attend local visits, for example, a tour of the local Fire Station and time spent on the climbing wall at Bluewater. We also have visitors, for example, community police officers. The highlight of our year is going on a Beaver Sleepover, which is enjoyed by everybody. Please use the contact link if you wish to receive further information. |