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Longfield and Hartley Scout Group

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Speedwell Explorers

Explorer Scouts: 14 - 18 years


Speedwell Explorers are meeting longside Excelsior Explorers at Ash Green community hall.

We are a uniformed organisation with formal uniform that is worn on special occasions, at most unit meetings we wear a blue polo (first polo shirt is supplied) but members can also wear their official shirts as well.

We run a very varied program which includes, archery, climbing, cooking, camping, hiking, fires and take part in lots of other challenges.

We encourage the young people to do their Duke of Edinburgh awards and as scouts, we are an operating body organising expeditions.

Meeting times vary from week to week depending on activity.  Communication is via texts & emails. 

If you would like any more details or are interested in any explorer unit in Swanley District please contact desc@swanleyexplorers.org.uk.

We also have a 17 seater minibus which we are happy for other scout groups and units to borrow with a donation towards the running costs.  Contact Debbie on  desc@swanleyexplorers.org.uk for further details.

Latest photos

End of term fun at Gravity for Bertram Beavers
End of term fun at Gravity for Bertram Beavers
Sleepover dinner time
Time for an Easter Egg Hunt....
An evening of making and enjoy eating fruit kebabs
The Beavers got to hold an enormous Burmese python!
Cubs visit to the Royal Air Force Museum in London

Upcoming events

Christmas Carols and Mince Pies 7pm at HQ
6th December 2024, 19:00 - 21:00

Past events

Cubs enjoying an summers evening in the woods
Dartford Park Fireworks Night BBQ Volunteer Team
Cubs enjoying an evening in the woods
Cubs Trip to Gillwell Park
Nick & Andy
Litter picking in Woodlands recreation ground
Team photo after Iceskating
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