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Longfield and Hartley Scout Group

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Explorers Programme 

Speedwell Explorers

All climbing activities are Sponsored by Kent County Council


   Explorers run a very active and varied program throughout the term and are also involved in international trips along with other explorers thoughout the district and county

If you would like to know more about Explorers and their program please contact the District Explorer Scout Commissioner on desc@swanleyexplorers.org.uk

Some of the examples of what we do are:

Climbing in the Peak District

Climbing at a local climbing centre

fires, cooking, hikes, wide games, pumpkin carving, camping, pioneering, swimming etc.

17th to 24th August 2024 Explorers and older scouts 13.5yrs +  will be travelling to Chesterfield in the Peak District for a week of climbing, walking, river walking, scrambling, caving, visiting Alton Towers and much more.  Accommodation can be either camping, hammocking or indoors, all will be available on a first come first served basis.

For more information please contact desc@swanleyexplorers.org.uk



Latest photos

End of term fun at Gravity for Bertram Beavers
End of term fun at Gravity for Bertram Beavers
Sleepover dinner time
Time for an Easter Egg Hunt....
An evening of making and enjoy eating fruit kebabs
The Beavers got to hold an enormous Burmese python!
Cubs visit to the Royal Air Force Museum in London

Upcoming events

Christmas Carols and Mince Pies 7pm at HQ
6th December 2024, 19:00 - 21:00

Past events

Laura & Zoe working at the campsite
Burnt offerings
Mark doing his bit moving the Climbing wall
Indoor games evening
African Drumming
Cubs Investiture
Mark and Ben
Queen Scout Presentation
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