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Longfield and Hartley Scout Group

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Scouts Climbing

6th November 2015, 19:00 - 22:00

Scouts Climbing

Scouts Climbing at the Scout Climbing Barn Maidstone for the evening.

This is a joint event for Castle Troop and Stocks Troop.

The bus will be available on a first come first served basis and for those in most need.  15 Spaces will be available for scouts.

We would also appreciate that a couple of parents volunteer to help with transport. 

Register your interest with your scout leader and book your place on the bus if needed.

Cost TBA

Latest photos

Rock climbing at Lower Grange Farm
Rock climbing at Lower Grange Farm
Rock climbing at Lower Grange Farm
Rock climbing at Lower Grange Farm
End of term fun at Gravity for Bertram Beavers
End of term fun at Gravity for Bertram Beavers
Sleepover dinner time
Time for an Easter Egg Hunt....
An evening of making and enjoy eating fruit kebabs
The Beavers got to hold an enormous Burmese python!

Past events

Burnt offerings
Cubs Bake Off Evening
Zoe & Laura Hacking a Holly bush
Rock climbing at Lower Grange Farm
Scouts Climbing Wall evening
Indoor games evening
Tree Climbing
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